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Savory Meets Sweet: The Irresistible Spam, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich

Spam, an ingredient often misunderstood and underestimated, holds a special place in the hearts of many, including mine. My culinary journey with Spam began in the comforting kitchen of my childhood, where it was a staple protein, often enjoyed fried with rice, a fried egg, and smothered in Maggi soy sauce or Indonesian kecap manis. The memories of my granny’s spam fried rice for breakfast are as vivid today as they were back then, urging me to ask my mom to recreate her spicy spam fried rice to satiate my cravings.


In college, my palate expanded, but my love for Spam remained unwavering. It was during these transformative years that I discovered what would become a lifelong love affair with the Spam, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich. A delightful concoction of fried Spam, crispy on the edges and almost caramelized, coupled with a runny egg and a layer of spicy mayo spread, this sandwich became my go-to meal for a quick lunch or an indulgent breakfast.

Breakfast sandwich” by jeffreyw is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The creation of the spicy mayo spread, a simple mix of sriracha and mayo, adds a bright, spicy tang and creaminess that complements the salty savoriness of the Spam and the richness of the egg. This combination, though seemingly simple, produces a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate, creating a memorable eating experience.

To construct this masterpiece, you begin by slicing the Spam to your preferred thickness, careful not to slice it too thin to avoid making the sandwich overly salty. A quick mix of mayo and sriracha creates the spicy spread that adds an extra layer of flavor to the sandwich. Toasting the bread to a golden brown gives it the necessary crunch and texture, while frying the Spam and eggs to perfection brings the core components of the sandwich together. The addition of cheese, preferably a slice of provolone or Swiss, introduces a creamy, melty element that ties everything together beautifully.

For those unacquainted with the joys of Spam, I implore you to keep an open mind. Spam, much like any other ingredient, when used thoughtfully and creatively, can elevate a dish to new heights. This Spam, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich is a testament to that, a dish that has not only filled my stomach but also warmed my heart with memories of home and simpler times.

It’s a dish that I had the pleasure of enjoying almost every week in college and one that I still crave today. While Spam may not be for everyone, I encourage the skeptics to give this sandwich a try before passing judgment. After all, the most unlikely ingredients can often create the most delightful and surprising dishes.

In a world that often prioritizes convenience over quality, it’s refreshing to rediscover the joy of simple, homemade meals that are both easy to prepare and delicious. This Spam, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich, with its blend of savory, sweet, and spicy flavors, is more than just a meal; it’s a nostalgic journey, a comfort food that reminds us of the importance of keeping an open mind and palate. So, the next time you’re in the mood for something quick, easy, and utterly delicious, why not give this sandwich a try? It just might surprise you how much you enjoy it.

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Spam is back on the menu at Rutter’s in sandwiches and side dishes – pennlive.com

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