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Iran: A Journey Through Time and Culture

Iran is a country that attracts many tourists with its rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant culture. But how much do we truly know about this ancient land and its people? In this article, we will take you on a journey to Iran from the 1950s to today and show you some amazing photos taken by a traveler during their visit in 2012.

Iran in the 1950s

Iran during the 1950s was totally unique in relation to the present time. The nation was administered by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, otherwise called Shah, who came to drive in 1941 with the assistance of England and the Soviet Association. Shah is a modernizer who needs to transform Iran into a common and Westernized country. He executed changes like land rearrangement, ladies’ testimonial, and industrialization. He additionally settled close relations with the US and Israel, and became one of the richest and most impressive forerunners in the Center East.

In any case, not every person is happy with Shah’s strategies. Numerous Iranians think of him as a manikin of the West, overlooking the country’s Islamic legacy and customs. Certain individuals are likewise disappointed with his lavish way of life and abusive system that stifles any resistance or contradiction. In 1953, a well known patriot pioneer named Mohammad Mossad was ousted in an overthrow arranged by the Focal Knowledge Organization and England, who had nationalized Iran’s oil industry. This occasion denoted the start of a long and serious battle among Shah and his rivals, at last prompting the 1979 Iranian Insurgency.

In any case, before that, Iran during the 1950s was where many individuals partook in an internationalized and moderate way of life. The capital Tehran is a clamoring city with present day engineering, stylish shops, and exuberant nightlife. Ladies wear small scale skirts and two-pieces, men wear formal outfits, youngsters pay attention to exciting music, and watch Hollywood motion pictures. Iran likewise has a prosperous social stage, where specialists, journalists, and movie producers express their innovativeness and social editorial. Iran during the 1950s was where everything was conceivable.

Iran in 2012

Iran in 2012 was totally unique in relation to the 1950s. The nation is managed by the Islamic Republic and was laid out after the defeat of Shah in 1979. The Islamic Republic is a religious government, with the preeminent pioneer Ayatollah Ali Khamenei having the last say in all public and strict undertakings. The nation is completely deciphered by Islamic regulation, which forces limitations on numerous parts of life, like dress, music, and orientation relations. Iran likewise faces worldwide disconnection and authorizations because of its dubious atomic program and antagonism towards the West and Israel.

In any case, not every person is happy with the arrangements of the Islamic Republic. Numerous Iranians accept that the system is bad, wasteful, and harsh, disregarding the nation’s monetary and social issues. Certain individuals additionally try to more opportunity, a majority rules government, and basic liberties. In 2009, after a dubious official political decision, a huge scope fight development known as the “Green Development” ejected, with many accepting that the political race was controlled for current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The fights were ruthlessly smothered by security powers, yet they showed the world that there is areas of strength for a dynamic resistance inside Iran.

Regardless of confronting difficulties and troubles, Iran in 2012 still had many individuals partaking in a rich and different culture. The nation has probably the most established and most gorgeous landmarks and locales on the planet, like Persepolis, Isfahan, and Shiraz. This nation likewise flaunts shocking regular magnificence, including mountains, deserts, woods, and lakes. The Iranian public are neighborly and open their arms, heartily inviting guests. Iran in 2012 was a position of extraordinary incentive for cash.

1120. Central Bank of Iran, Tehran” by Ensie & Matthias is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

A Traveler’s Experience

An explorer who has encountered the two sides of Iran is a Reddit client named u/kevin182 who visited Iran in 2012. He shared his photographs and stories on the reddit sub part of r/travel, and got a great deal of positive input and interest from different clients. He said he chose to go to Iran since he needed to see something else and challenge his assumptions. He said he was shocked by the magnificence and variety of this nation, and had a real sense of security and invited all through the whole excursion. He additionally said that he has met numerous agreeable and intriguing individuals who are anxious to converse with him and offer their perspectives and viewpoints. He said he gleaned some significant knowledge from this visit and desires to return one day.

Some of the photos he shared include:

-A photo of him and his tour guide in front of Azadita is an iconic monument in Tehran, symbolizing the country’s independence and modernization.

-A photo of him and a group of young Iranian people in the park, inviting him to their picnic and playing music with them.

-A photo of him and a woman wearing traditional clothing at the market, who gave him tea and cookies and showed him her handicrafts.

-A photo of him and a man in a mosque, the latter explaining the history and architecture of the place to him.

-A photo of him and a family from a village, inviting him to live with them and treating him as one of their own.

He also shared some highlights and challenges of this trip, such as:

-Visit the ancient ruins of the ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire, Persepolis, and marvel at the complex carvings and sculptures.

-Explore the cultural and artistic center of Iran, Isfahan, and admire its stunning mosques, palaces, and bridges.

-Visit the tomb of Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire, and pay tribute to one of the most influential leaders in history.

-Experience the hospitality and generosity of the Iranian people, who provide him with food, drinks, gifts, and even money without expecting anything in return.

-Facing the difficulties of traveling in a country with strict regulations, such as obtaining a visa, finding a tour guide, exchanging money, and avoiding sensitive topics.

-To cope with cultural shock and language barriers, and strive to adapt to the different customs and norms of Iranian society.

He said toward the finish of the post that he had invested an astonishing and extraordinary energy in Iran, and he would prescribe it to anybody who needed to face challenges and difficulties. He said he trusts his photographs and stories can motivate others to visit Iran and witness it firsthand.


Iran is a country that has a lot to offer tourists who are prepared to look past the headlines and stereotypes. It is a country with a rich and varied history, culture, and environment. It is also a country with warm and welcoming people who are happy to share their experiences and be hospitable. It has changed and evolved throughout the years from the 1950s to the present. It is a country that is worth seeing and learning about. Finally, it is a country that will surprise and delight you.

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Iran’s Transformation From The 1950s To Today, In Pictures – TheTravel
Life Under The Shah Of Iran Before 1979, In 47 Revealing Photos

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