Editorial Guidelines

5 mins read


Make traveling accessible and enjoyable for everyone, ensuring that each journey is as enriching as it is delicious. 


Our mission at AutotravelWorld.com is to be your digital compass in the vast world of travel and gastronomy. We are committed to providing professional insights and comprehensive knowledge about global destinations and culinary delights, tailored to enhance your adventures on the road or around the world. We strive to create content that resonates with our readers, encouraging them to engage with our community, share their favorite discoveries, and elevate their travel experiences.


Transparency is a crucial element of ethical and objective journalism. It means openness about the sources we use, such as direct links to original research papers and to reputable and independent organizations that aggregate data. It also means transparency about who is writing the content. All authors are clearly identified at the top of each article, with expanded biographies that include their experiences, expertise, and affiliations.


AutoTravelWorld adheres to the traditional best practices of journalism. The guiding principles are based on our responsibility to the reader to produce accurate, fair, and independent editorial. This means, among other things, following the guidelines set by the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) for digital and print publications.


We adhere to conventional journalistic standards covering attribution and sourcing of information. Our standard practice is to gather information directly from those involved in creating, financing, and understanding new technologies. We work with these sources to ensure that our content is accurate and presented in its proper context.

Conflicts of Interest

To secure the public’s trust, our primary allegiance is to the public. Any personal or professional interests that conflict with that allegiance, whether in appearance or in reality, risk compromising our credibility. We do not let our financial interests determine the topics we cover, and we do not rank any institutions or products based on any type of financial relationship with an advertiser. Our reporters, editors, freelancers, and producers cover issues that are newsworthy and of interest to our readers, not because an issue may be of interest to advertisers.

Accuracy and Balance

It is the responsibility of all our editors and writers to be accurate and honest. We rely on our professional experience, judgment, and knowledge, guided by our responsibility to help our readers understand a subject. We don’t reflexively give equal weight to all sides of a discussion. In matters of controversy, we will report the arguments of both sides fairly; but our ethical obligation is not to please any interest or party to a debate, but to bear witness to the truth if we know it, or to delineate the terms of the controversy if the truth of the matter is genuinely in doubt.

Fact-Checking and Editing

AutoTravelWorld’ features, reviews, and some infographic stories enjoy the thorough fact-checking and multiple edits traditional to magazine journalism. Directories, charts, graphs, and similar data-rich elements are also fact-checked. News, news-analysis, opinions, and shorter stories receive abbreviated fact-checking and editing.

Professional Conduct and Independence

To preserve our independence, AutoTravelWorld maintains strict rules guiding our professional conduct. Employees may not accept gifts of any kind, including samples from companies or products handed out at conferences and trade shows. Our writers, editors, and freelancers do not accept reimbursement for travel or other expenses from the companies we cover, or from public-relations firms or regional development agencies.

Editorial Standards

All staff members, freelancers, and bloggers adhere to uniform ethical and editorial standards.


The Travel team at AutoTravelWorld helps people find and plan the best journey for them. Travelers can determine where they’d like to go with our travel insights and in-depth guide content, which includes background on the destination, how to save money, the best times to visit, the best hotels, and the top things to do. When you visit AutoTravelWorld, you can trust that our editors have gathered tips and valuable information from previous travelers, locals, tourism boards, industry publications, hotels, and cruise lines, and summarized everything in an easy-to-digest format.


AutoTravelWorld follows the accepted practice of the media industry, enforcing a strict separation of “church and state” (editorial and advertisement). In accepting digital advertising, we follow the standards and guidelines of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). With print advertising, we are guided by the standards of ASME and the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA). At our events, we are careful to distinguish between our own programming and that of our sponsors.

Sponsored Content

AutoTravelWorld provides advertisers with the opportunity to present readers with articles and other content produced by or on behalf of those advertisers. We prominently display a disclaimer on all sponsored content indicating that the content was created by an advertiser and did not involve the AutoTravelWorld’ editorial staff. Sponsored content does not reflect the views of AutoTravelWorld, nor does it represent an endorsement of a product or viewpoint by AutoTravelWorld. Any advertisements on AutoTravelWorld for sponsored content are labeled as “Sponsored” and designated as ad content.

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